Thursday, December 16, 2010

My husband says I should start blogging.

Apparently, mothers of multiples like to blog. My babies have not yet made their debut, so I cannot say from real experience. I can say that I am ready to be done with this first trimester. I have heard of morning sickness and aversions, but this is something else. I am supposed to be getting between 3-4,000 calories a day (depending on who you ask) and I'm barely getting 2. And that is if I do nothing but eat all day long. Who ever thought that I would have a hard time eating?  I have lived my whole life thinking about what's for lunch or dinner. I am some times even fantasizing about what I will eat for Breakfast the next day. I think that's pretty disgusting. Who is this girl? Do an extra couple of babies growing inside of you, really make you that crazy!? haha

Chadd and I got pregnant with our triplets in mid October. I am now almost 11 weeks and almost made it to the 2nd trimester. I never imagined in a million years that I would ever carry triplets. After a couple miscarriages, I wondered if I could even carry ONE. God is full of surprises. I really thought I was dreaming when three babies appeared on the ultrasound screen. I still don't believe it. I am so happy and sick at the same time. I thank God for His many blessings even though I don't feel that I deserve them.

I think we are having two girls and a boy. I think Baby A is a boy and B&C are girls. Chadd thinks we are having two boys and a girl. I guess we will know soon enough. I am positive that we will be happy with whatever we get!

We have our first appointment with a specialist on Monday. Our old OB\GYN referred us because they don't deal with multiples. Guess they're too stewpid!  Just kidding. We are excited about seeing our babies at 11 weeks. Here they are at 9 weeks:

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